The Flash does continue to be the most dominant CW Arrowverse show, but it doesn’t come without problems, as we have seen plenty during the season. It also doesn’t help that we missed out on 4 further episodes with the current villain due to COVID-19.
Some of the characters were wasted, and OG characters we’re used to seeing just were not used properly for me. Caitlin/Frost, Cisco was just 2 alone that didn’t live up to much this season. I understand with Danielle being pregnant in real life, but Cisco hasn’t really done much since he gave up his powers.
However, moving past the show has been great this season, and it had some fantastic episodes that will live long in the memory. Especially with the Speedforce “dying”, and Barry on the verge of losing his speed.
Overall the season was great, besides a few nit-picky points, I can’t fault what the writers were trying to do here. Especially giving us a split season villain, which I believe worked great with the 2 main villains they chose for the season.
Whilst I agree with a lot of feedback that is out there currently, it definitely isn’t the strongest season the show has had, but it’s absolutely not the worst.
The plot itself started with Bloodwork as the main villain, trying to cure HLH using dark matter, which in turn enables him to control blood itself. He uses this as an advantage to control Barry, and actually succeeding to an extent. Unfortunately, the plot only lasts 8 episodes when he’s eventually defeated.
After Crisis, Iris investigates Joseph Carver due to different villains showing up using “black hole” type technology, in turn, she ends up completely failing and ends up in the Mirror Verse alongside Joseph’s “late” wife, Eva.
In doing so, a “spawn” of Iris continues to be around in the real world until eventually, Barry figures it out. However, due to his speed depleting rapidly every time he uses it, he’s unable to help Iris, or stop Eva when she eventually makes her way out of the Mirror Verse.
That’s the general rundown anyway of the 2 main villains we see during the season, with a lot of side arks during the course. It was entertaining for the most part, thrilling at stages, and almost indefinitely intense once Barry’s speed is no longer permanent.
A few characters really stood out for me this season. Nash is one of the better Wells that we’ve had. The return of Kid Flash for an episode was great. Bloodwork was fantastic, and Godspeed was amazing. So overall, the characters and their development were great.
Flipping the coin, as mentioned above there were a couple of characters I feel were wasted. As mentioned, Caitlin and Cisco to be more precise. Understandably I can only imagine now that the next season is delayed, the show should make these 2 the focal point of the team.
Some other notable mentions here are Eva, the Mirror Master. Allegra kind of came out of nowhere, and by the end of the season, I really enjoyed her appearances. Ralph as always, he had a lesser role this season than the last couple but still always a great addition to the story wherever he fits in.
Favourite Episode
My favourite episode is definitely episode 14, Death Of The Speedforce. Kid Flash returning to the show was welcomed, as were the powers that he learned that even Barry didn’t. The Speedforce “dying” was really emotional, probably one of the most emotional episodes ever. Barry was broken, and he still was even in the finale of the season, and what makes it worse is that it was pretty much all his fault.
A notable mention also here is the Godspeed episode. I can’t get over how nice that suit is!
Episodes & Their Ratings
Episode 1: Into The Void – 9/10
Episode 2: A Flash Of Lightning – 9.5/10
Episode 3: Dead Man Running – 8.3/10
Episode 4: There Will Be Blood – 9.2/10
Episode 5: Kiss Kiss, Breach Breach – 9/10
Episode 6: License To Elongate – 9/10
Episode 7: The Last Temptation Of Barry Allen, Pt. 1 – 10/10
Episode 8: The Last Temptation Of Barry Allen, Pt. 2 – 10/10
Episode 9: Crisis On Infinite Earths, Part 3 – 10/10
Episode 10: Marathon – 9/10
Episode 11: Love Is A Battlefield – 7/10
Episode 12: A Girl Named Sue – 7/10
Episode 13: Grodd Friended Me – 9/10
Episode 14: Death Of The Speedforce – 9.6/10
Episode 15: The Exorcism Of Nash Wells – 8.5/10
Episode 16: So Long And Goodnight – 8/10
Episode 17: Liberation – 8/10
Episode 18: Pay The Piper – 9/10
Episode 19: Success Is Assured – 9.4/10
Average rating: 8.9/10
Our Overall Rating 9/10
Our review almost reflects the average so we’re happy with that. Some fillers in there that dropped the average but it’s expected with almost every show on the CW when a planned 23 episode season happens. However, some fantastic episodes that really deserved their ratings here.
Does It Deserve Another Season?
Of course. The Flash’s show still has so much more to offer. With the teases of Godspeed, the rumours of Red Death, it absolutely should not end after this season. If anything, it deserves at least another 2-3 seasons.
More importantly, it has been greenlit already for another season and deservingly so.